Fall under the Trance of Rope

Muse Deli Cute in Florence, Italy.

Muse Deli Cute in Florence, Italy.


 Intuitively, you’ve come to this page because you understand there is a pathway inside of you. A pathway I can help you unlock. You are curious to access a darker side of yourself, one where you can embrace your sensuality and become acquainted with an unique sense of freedom you can only feel when in ropes. Physical sensations the rope provide can provoke emotions you didn’t know were just under the surface, giving you and I insights to your psyche. This is no ordinary inner journey, and you must partake it with someone you trust. That you’ve come to me with your vulnerability is something I do not take lightly, and I see it as an honor. The intensity of surrendering to rope may seem intimidating. But I want you to know this- it’s that very intensity, of physical and psychological feeling, that is the alchemy to transform you into your most authentic self. 

to be tied by me, inquire here.

Muse Jari. Florence, Italy.

Muse Jari. Florence, Italy.